
Baba Cured the Fix of the Daughter of Shri Annasaheb Dabholkar

In 1917, a Maha Mandal in respect of "Bharadwaja Gotra" was being conducted in Babol village in Vengutla Taluk of Ratnagiri District as was being done annually. They invited Annasaheb Dabholkar to be its President. He consulted Baba. But Baba refused permission. Hence he dropped the matter. The same thing happe­ned in the next year also. Then Baba appeared in his dream and ordered to take the Presidentship of the Maha Mandal. Afterwards he became the President of it. Dabholkar's daughter became insane and she adheared only the words of her father and none other else and she would not be in her house without her father even a moment.Dabholkar with Baba's permission went to Dahhol and returned back to his house at Bandra in Bombay within four days. During his absence, she was alright. When he returned back she suffered much. When some sorts of fix came, she would be in nobody's control and had to lock her up in a room. Apart from all these she was a pregnant woman. Three famous doctors have examined her. After thorough examina­tion they have told that if the child had to be born safely, an operation is necessary by which the status of the mother would be a doubtful one. On the next day, another doctor came and advised to seek the Divine aid. He prayed to Shri Sai Baba for her safe delivery of the daughter and to get permanent cure of the fix.


By the blessing of Baba She delivered a child without the help of anybody. After sometime she and her child came to Shirdi and took Baba's darshan. Baba placed his hand on her head saying that all would go well and from that time, all her sufferings have come to an end and never came after­wards.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely I Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there !!

Bow to Shirdi Sai Baba -- Peace be to all.

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