
Baba Helped and Fullfilled the Desire of Dr. V.G. Hate Bikaner

Dr. Hate is a total believer in Sai Baba. He lived for some time at Shirdi.One evening a person named Savalram of Gwalior came to him and said that his son was missing from home. So himself and his wife were greately distressed in mind. Doctor having full faith in Shri Sai Baba told him "Go to Shirdi. Take darshan of Sal". Then you would surely see your son" Saval­ram made a wow at once, that if news of the boy's where abouts were received, he would go to Shirdi for darshan. After some time a letter was received from the boy who was in Mesopotamia, which stated that he joined the army without telling anyone and that he was returning to India. When Savalram told Doctor Hate of this, he asked him to go to Baba for darshan first. Instead of doing so savalram went to Bombay first with his wife to see the boy. No doubt he saw his son, but the latter had got emaciated due to fever. Seeing that his son was suffering from fever Savalram went with the boy to Gwalior and gone to the doctor for treatment. Doctor Hate told him "you had failed to keep up your promise you had not taken Baba's darshan. If the boy falls at Baba's feet, he will get alright" Savlaram made up his mind to visit Shirdi. He went to Doctor Hate snd asked him for an introduction letter. The doctor replied that no introduction letter was required. So saying he took a ruppe from his box and gave it to Savalram with an idea that Baba should return it to him to be kept as Prasad and such a Prasad being a rare Prasad. Savalram went to Shirdi took Baba's darshan and delivered the rupee. Baba received and kept for sometime and returned the rupee to Savalram saying "Give him his rupee". The doctor's idea was to get it back as Prasad. Baba knowing that He returned the coin. Savalram returned to Gwalior and told the doctor that he had taken darshan of Baba and that his boy's health had improved and added that Baba returned the rupee to him. The doctor took the rupee in his hand. On taking the rupee in his hand, he felt that it was not the coin he sent. So he told to Savalaram to take it back to Shirdi for that it was not his coin. Savalram was much perturbed in mind and took back the coin. Next day he went to doctor Hate with a. different rupee. When that was placed in doctor's hand, he indentified it as his own. Savalram told that by his wife's mistake (of substitution) he had given the doctor the wrong coin.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation    and   Delivervance be there!!

 Bow to Shirdi Sai Baba -- Peace be to all.

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