
Baba helped and fulfilled the desire of a farmer in getting a loan


A farmer was very anxious to obtain from Govern­ment a loan of Rs. 500;- for a well in his farm and he applied twice to the Government but his applications were rejected. The farmer approached Baba in the matter and Baba spoke to Nanasaheb, the then Collec­tor's Chitnis about it. Nana said he would certainly present his application as required by Baba, though he had no hope of the application being granted. The farmer therefore, applied again and Nanasaheb presen­ted the application to the Collector informing him at the same time that two similar applications of his were rejected previously. The Collector thereupon asked the farmer why do you press the Government for a loan? The farmer himself put clearly his case before the Collector and said Sir, I owe Rs. 500/- to Government I am anxious to repay the loan. I cannot do this until I have a well to water my lands to get better crops. I have started digging the well, but the work had to be stopped owing to the intervening of big rocks, unless they are fired by dynamite and removed, the well work cannot be completed and I cannot get water. Without water I cannot have enough crops to return the Govern­ment loan and so I press the Government through this third application. The Collector had satisfied with his explanation by Baba's grace and granted the loan to the farmer.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely !   Stupendous Delectation  and Deliverance be there ! !

Bow to Shirdi Sai Baba -- Peace be to all.

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