Shri Vasudeo Sadashiv Joshi of Sitharam Co., accompanied by Shri Chidambara Rao Keshv Gadge Patil went to Shirdi to have Baba's darshan. They stayed in Sathe's wada. Arati was being done to Baba's photo in Sathe's wada and Shri Vasudeo Sadashiv Josh! also attended the Arati. For him Baba has given darshan as Narasimhamurthy in the Photo. He got this kind of darshan during the three consecutive days. On one day, both of them went to Baba for darshan and the latter gave them prasadam. They felt that the pra-sadam was insufficient to distribute it to their men in their native place. Then Baba gave Re. 0-8-0 to them and directed them to buy Prasadam in any shop in Shirdi and take it with them and added that any Prasad purchased in Shirdi is His Prasad. On another occasion Baba gave them burfi Prasad. As it is very tasty, they wanted more and they went to the shop to buy it. Baba called them back and told that three basckets of Prasad was there, take two maunds from them. They went away to their place with Baba's Udi and Prasad. After some days, Shri Joshi sent his friend with Rs, 10/-as dakshina to Baba and requested him to take Baba's photo and return with Baba's Udi and Prasad. His friend went to Shirdi offered Rs. 10/- as dakshina to Baba and kept silent as he had no courage to take the photo of Baba. Baba, knowing this, He Himself asked Him to take His photo as requested by Joshi. Then he took one Baba's photo in sitting posture and one in standing posture, Baba has ordered him that the photos should not be sold in excess rate, they should sell only at reasonable rate and gave him permission tp go with His Udi and Prasad. That is how Baba has fulfilled the desires of His devotees.
Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there
Bow to Shirdi Sai
Baba -- Peace be to all.