Submit Your Shirdi SaiBaba Leela / Experience Here

In our day to day life, we experience lots of experience / leela's of Baba. Baba plays a very important role in each and every one's life.

Objective of this page is to share these experience to devotees of Baba and spread his Miracles.

Im sure there are lots of devotees who like to hear the leela's and would also experience the same. Baba's leela's are unconditional and unstoppable.

So, Lets use this page to share and spread the Leela's / Miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba.


Request devotees, to please read the below instructions before filling up the form.

1. The mark (*) denotes required / mandatory Field

2. Please use English Words only. If you type is any other regional language, please translate the same in English in bracket.

3. Please do not just write om sai , jai sai etc. Also please dont write your prayers here.

4. Please do not use short chatting words, use full words.

5. Atleast post one miracle / experience and narrate it fully so that readers can understand. Give a clear background.

6. If you like your Name not to be mentioned, Enter First Name as "Anonymous" & Last Name with your "Location"